Plaza & Stage Reservations
How to Make a Reservation
Go to the Salina Parks & Recreation website
Select the plaza or stage you would like to reserve
Select an available day, then create an account to reserve (note: you must book at least 30 days in advance)​​
You will receive a receipt of your reservation that will be pending until the city receives your special events permit.
Reservations are not finalized and approved until a special event permit is submitted. This receipt just verifies the holding status of your date until the permit is received. If it is not received within 14 days of the event, the reservation will be removed. Please go to this page to apply for a special event permit.
Once the special event permit is received by the city, Salina Downtown Inc. will be notified and approve your reservation. Please remember to leave the plaza or stage the way you found it after your reservation is over.